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Uniform Policy

All students must wear:



College tie – this must be worn at all times whilst in and around the College building

Plain black jubbah with high collar (Daffa/Al-Aseel), ties are not required if wearing religious dress. Black Topi



Black skirt (knee length or longer): No fashion skirts: Skirts should not be worn over leggings.

Plain black Abaya/Jilbab (with narrow sleeves). Black Hijab, if required.

All students must wear
  • Black trousers – plain cut and full length, no jeans, combats, shorts, leggings, jeggings or cut off trousers
  • Plain white cotton shirt with a collar. Shirts should be tucked in
  • College black blazer with gold piping on the lapels with the college logo on the breast pocket
  • Plain black belts – no fashion belts

Students may wear a plain black v neck sweater under their blazer.
Students must wear the College blazer at all times whilst in and around the college buildings


Shoes should be: black (both upper and sole), flat and logo free. The style should be formal avoiding the appearance of a trainer. They should be closed-toed, lace-up or slip-on. They should be made of polishable or patent leather-type material or suede (not canvas). 

Suitable Shoe Examples






Some specific styles that are not permitted:

Ballet Shoes

Trainers and styles that appear to be more like sports trainers than professional black shoes 


Boots or ankle boots


Styles with obvious logos or branding

However, this list is not exhaustive and the College’s decision on what is/is not acceptable is final.


One outdoor coat – must be plain and reasonably waterproof. No decoration or large logos are permitted. Leather or denim jackets and ‘fashion coats’ are not allowed. (Coloured sweaters and ‘hoodies’ are NOT outdoor coats.) Outdoor coats, scarves, hats and gloves must not be worn in the College building.

Identity Badge

Students must wear their identity badge visibly on a lanyard around their neck at all times unless directed by a member of staff. The ID must not be defaced. ID badges are needed to:

  • Hold Food Hall credits enter the library
  • Attend lunchtime clubs collect rewards
  • Gain access to the College building at break or lunchtime print work
  • Enter the library
  • Collect Rewards
  • Print Work

On health and safety grounds, all staff and students must be identifiable at all times.


Hair must be a natural colour and of a moderate style.


Accessories – one small stud or sleeper in each ear and/or one small nose stud is allowed. No other facial piercing is permitted. No other fashion accessories are allowed.


Make-up should students choose to wear make-up, it should be light and not excessive. Any concerns regarding make-up will be discussed with parents.

School bag and Equipment

  • School bag and equipment – all students must have a suitable bag in which to carry books and equipment. This bag must be large enough to hold at least one A4 folder. No pouches or handbags are allowed.
  • Students must have the basic equipment for learning. i.e. pens, pencils, ruler, rubber and pencil sharpener.
  • Students should have their planner with them throughout the day as well as any subject-specific equipment.
  • Students should enter and leave the College in full uniform. PE and Dance kit is for lesson time only and should be carried in a ba. g
  • In certain cases bespoke reasonable adjustments may be made.

Correct PE Kit

Students need to bring PE kit to all lessons. PE kit is:

  • Navy blue jogging bottoms or shorts
  • Sky blue t-shirt to change into
  • Suitable trainers
  • Navy-blue sweatshirt (no hood) may also be worn
  • Hats (not peaked caps) and gloves (if activity appropriate) when outside if cold
  • To ensure safety, a reminder that the school rules for jewellery allow one pair of stud earrings, one nose stud, and a watch. For PE, all jewellery must be removed. If you are considering a new piercing, the first week of the holidays is usually best so that the piercing can be removed for lessons in the new school year.
  • The guidance from the DfE and Association for Physical Education states that headscarves must be secured without using pins, and should not have any
    loose ends or obscure vision. With this in mind, following a period of allowing pupil choice in headscarves for PE, from August 2023 pupils wearing headscarves in PE will need to wear pull-on, elasticated, or sports hijabs so that their headscarf is safe for themselves and others. Suitable headscarves will be available from the PE department if you need help with sourcing these.
  • Navy-blue fitted lightweight waterproof sports jacket (this is optional for when it is raining)
  • A note from home is required for those students who cannot take full part in the lesson as a result of medical or other reasons. These students will still need to change to enable them to take part fully in the lesson (assist staff, coach, referee and/or do analysis and improvement tasks).
  • Students without a note will be given kit and expected to do the same. PE staff will use their discretion for those who may not be able to change
  • We ask parents to uphold our uniform policy and maintain the high standards for which our college is known


If students do not comply to the uniform policy they will be sanctioned.

Where to buy the correct uniform

  • Schoolwear Solutions – 64 London Road, Oadby Leicester LE2 5DH
  • Trendy Schoolwear – 113 Uppingham Rd, Leicester LE5 3TB
  • Uniform Direct – 54-56 Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 3PJ