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Our Mission & Values

Our mission is very simple:
“We want every student to be the best they can be, thrive in the best possible career and contribute positively to society.”

The three values of Aspiration, Commitment and Success tell a story and also intertwine with one another to support our students on their journey to becoming great and have been the foundation for our success.



We are not interested in your child being second best. However, we are also aware that each and every child is different and has a unique and natural talent and that it is our role to support and nurture it. We would like our students to have the same life opportunities and opportunities as any student in the country. We have unashamed ambition and aspiration for all of our students and staff. We truly believe that a future Prime Minister, Gold medal Olympian, Oxbridge graduate and next England captain will go to Crown Hills!



Arguably the most important of the three, because without hard work, everything else is just a dream. Commitment is often the least rewarding and most difficult part of the journey that makes you successful. We are clear with our students that success has nothing to do with intelligence, skill or ability but everything to do with hard work and whether your child is prepared to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. Whether a student wants to start their own business, start an apprenticeship, complete T levels or A-levels, go to university or just enter the world of work, they will have hard work as a core part of who they are.

At Crown Hills, we are therefore very particular about the small things; smartness of appearance, time-keeping, organisation, attitude, the respect that is shown to others, as well as attendance at school every day. This is a place of learning and our behaviour policy also supports this. We have a back-to-basics philosophy with a focus on the little things so that the bigger things take care of themselves.

Our Pace helps students to remember the 7 pillars of commitment:

  • Organisation
  • Uniform
  • Respect
  • Punctuality
  • Attitude
  • Classwork/Homework
  • Equipment



We know that the majority of our students start the race further back than those in other parts of the country and so it is our job to help level that playing field. By doing so, our students will have the opportunity to choose what they want to do as opposed to having to do whatever has been left over for them. They will also receive the guidance and support to be the best British citizens with a full appreciation and understanding of their global responsibilities. We know that the world is increasingly becoming smaller but also very challenging. Your child will therefore require the resilience to cope with an ever-changing world and to cope with whatever life throws at them so that, together, we can ensure that the world becomes a better place. Therefore, the opportunities we provide will support our students to gain the skills and qualities to catch up with their peers, because we want our pupils to take on the world and not just fit into it.

