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Parent/Carer Area

As your son/daughter makes choices and plans for the future they need support from the people who know them best, their families. There are many ways that parents and carers can offer support with choices.

Students may choose to:

  • Stay at school, go to a college or Sixth Form and study full-time courses
  • Get a job and take a work related course alongside it, such as an OCR National, BTEC, City and Guilds or other accredited course
  • Be Self-Employed, but you will also need to do some accredited learning or training course
  • Volunteer for 20 hours or more but will need to do some accredited learning alongside it, offered by the organisation or independent of it.
  • Do an Apprenticeship or other accredited training course. If students have a learning difficulty or SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), a Statement or an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan), then we will talk to them about their ‘Local Offer’.



